Its financial health and promise of growth could, perversely, spur speculative buying that could spill over into other web stocks. 它的财务健康和增长潜力很可能激发投资者的投机性买入,甚至有可能产生溢出效应,拉动其他网络股上涨。
And when the buying was over, these buyers sat alone and their fingers played restlessly with the pearls, and they wished they owned the pearls. 买完珍珠后,这些购买者单独坐着,手指不住地把玩着珍珠,希望拥有这些珍珠。
She explains that while her fellow students are chiefly concerned with getting a job or buying an apartment, she frets over how she can excel in her work despite having little experience of the world. 她解释道,身边的同伴们都关心求职和买房问题,而她所烦恼的则是,如何在社会经验有限的基础上,在写作之路上再创佳绩。
Individuals have been busily buying up Brazilian-real-denominated assets over the past couple of years and have long been keen investors in the Australian dollar. 日本个人投资者近年一直忙于追捧以巴西雷亚尔计值的资产,且长期以来热衷于投资澳元。
You can't necessarily snack your way into friendships, but buying someone a drink or bonding over a meal is a great way to develop a relationship. 你不能指望吃的能为你带来友谊,但经常给别人买点饮料或是请他们吃顿饭是发展关系的一个绝佳方式。
But some people try to fool the search engines by creating or buying bogus links all over the web that point to their own website. 有人企图通过创建或购买虚假外部链接来欺骗搜索引擎。
And the growing popularity of financing buying phones over time, like a car could make it harder to sell anybody a new phone. 贷款购机,也就是说像买车一样分期付款购买手机,正变得越来越流行,这或许导致销售新手机变得更加困难。
We ended up buying over 100 bleacher tickets, and renting an In-N-Out Burger truck for an impromptu party in the parking lot. 最后,我们买了100多张露天看台球票,租了一辆In-N-Out汉堡卡车,在停车场举办了一场即兴的派对。
He has been buying shares of SPDR Gold Shares over the past two months. 过去两个月,他一直在买进SPDRGoldShares。
We've been quite successful with our policy of buying people over! 我们的收买政策也还顺利!
A large part of that puzzle stems from the popular misconception that e-business simply means buying and selling products and services over the Internet. 对于电子商业的疑惑大多来自于这样一个流行的错误概念,即认为广义的电子商业仅指通过互联网从事商品的买卖和服务。
Notwithstanding substantially reduced mortgage rates and improved affordability, buying interests were restrained by concern over job security and income instability, and by the ample supply of new flats in the pipeline. 尽管按揭利率大幅下调以及市民的负担能力亦见提高,但碍于市民对就业前景和入息是否稳定仍有忧虑,加上新推出的楼宇供应充裕,购买意欲仍然受到抑制。
I told him that I was planning on buying a new guitar over the next few days and he said "oh, you don't need to buy one. I have an extra one that I can give you." 我告诉他接下来的几天我要买把新吉他,他说:“哦,你不用买了,我有一把多余的可以送你。”
Indeed, ETFs backed by physical gold are now buying the equivalent of over 20 per cent of new gold production, nearly double last year's levels. 事实上,有实物黄金支持的交易所交易基金目前的买入量,已超过黄金新增产量的20%,较去年的水平翻了近一倍。
Some link the buying to the fact over the weekend, Algeria secured more World wheat than expected. 有观点将此归因于在上周末阿尔及利亚的采购使得全球需求量上涨。
It has been on a buying binge in the United States over the last seven years, snapping up roughly$ 1 trillion worth of Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed debt issued by and. 中央银行在美国上演了长达七年的购物狂欢,其中包括价值近1千亿美元的长期国库券和由房力美及房地美公司发行的住房抵押债务。
The company has also seen some attempts at buying US assets fail over the past few years. 过去几年,该公司还目睹自己收购美国资产的一些尝试告败。
Buying over a period of time. 2. Retaining profits within a company. 在一定时期的购买;2.公司内保留的利润。
Boeing now predicts Chinese airlines will spend around$ 480bn on buying 4,330 new aircraft over the next 20 years, making the Chinese market for commercial aircraft the second largest in the world after the United States. 波音现在预测,未来20年,中国航空公司将支出约4800亿美元,购买4330架新飞机,让中国成为仅次于美国的全球第二大商用飞机市场。
Excluding travel, some$ 82 billion was spent last year buying things over the Internet, 24% more than in 2004, according to comScore networks, which tracks consumer behaviour. 根据追踪调查消费者行为的市场调查公司comscorenetworks的数据显示,不包括送货费用在内,去年通过互联网购物的费用约为820亿美元,比2004年增长24%。
Into buying bogus body armor for their grandkids over in iraq. 让他为他在伊拉克的孙子买衣服伪造的盔甲。
Taking a flyer by buying a lottery ticket is something over which one has no control. 买一张彩票赌上一把,人们对这件事毫无控制能力。
Rogers provides a great description of buying a single share in a bank over the counter in Shanghai in 1986 before the Chinese stock markets had even been set up. 罗杰斯用大量篇幅叙述了1986年中国股市还未建立前,他在上海的一家银行通过柜台购买一支股票时的情景。
High inflation cuts the buying power of a currency over time. 高通胀率总是削减货币购买力。
Physical buying has been strong over the past few weeks, according to analysts, with money flowing into exchange traded funds. 分析师们表示,随着资金向交易所交易基金(etf)流入,过去几周里黄金的现货买盘强劲。
Wealth of buying experience in Burgundy over many years, you can rest assured that Ruby Red will offer you only those wines that match our challenging criteria. 红樽坊有着多选购勃艮地酒的丰富经验,我们所挑选的酒的品质,可以说是符合各个层次要求的。
With the Internet's replacement of books or written works as the main source of information, E-Commerce is the buying or selling of goods and information over the Internet. 随着互联网取代书本和手写品成为主要的信息来源,所谓电子商务是指通过国际互联网进行商品和信息的交易行为。
Investors say they have been deterred from buying bank bonds due to uncertainty over the financial health of some banks, the fate of the eurozone and the impact of new financial regulation. 投资者表示,他们之所以不愿购买银行债券,是因为某些银行的财务状况、欧元区的前途以及新的金融监管措施均存在不确定性。